Dealing with the Autistic Child. It Ain’t Easy.
“This is an excellent post and everything you said is spot on, speaking from experience.” — W.
The Curious Globe of Cornelius Crain (serialized chapters)
“Wow, Brian…Very cinematic. I can see, hear, smell, and taste all of it…Wonderful! The way you’ve woven the history in is enticing and exciting, too. Looking forward to the next installment…Thanks for sharing it here!” — Nan P.
“Just wow! I felt like Cornelius.” — Kat R.
“Looking forward to more, Brian” — Randy W.
Caring For My Bengal Tiger
“I thought I knew where you were going with this, and then BAMM! Wow. Brian that was an education. Thanks for sharing.” — Dave S.
“Oh thank you for this: lovely analogy. I have appreciated your other posts about your Bengal. They’re all so well done and are potent reminders of the need to care for people who are so often forgotten.” — Susan
“Beautiful post, exquisitely composed by a heart of love and grace, and a great Dad. You are an inspiration, sir. Thank you for writing this.” — Dave C.
The Elopement
“Thank you for sharing this story. And thanks for writing it so well.” — EB
Two Exceptional Americans from an Exceptional America (about George Gershwin and Oscar Levant)
“Brian, what an education you’ve provided this evening. Fantastic post with so much good fodder. Great work. Thank you.” — CB
“Fantastic post, indeed, Watt. This is the kind of work that keeps me coming ’round.” — J. C.
American Illustrators, The Movies, and Drew Struzan
“Marvelous post – honestly the sort of thing I’d expect on movie blogs like One Perfect Shot or in a trade magazine and the best article I’ve read on Ricochet in a while (sorry to all the other members!).” — Austin M.
“Great article. Thanks for putting a name to guy who did all these awesome posters.” — K.
“That was wonderful, Brian. Thank you.” — Tom M.
“Great post! I’m doing a website that takes the illustrations out of their advertising context, sticks them in a frame, and treats them like “Real Art” in need of critical analysis. Some of them look quite mysterious without the slogan and the copy.” — James Lileks
“Wow – fantastic article followed by terrific comments! As a long-time fan of Pyle, Wyeth, and Frazetta, it’s great to be introduced to a whole new series of top-grade illustrators. Thanks!” — P.
Stock Photography Is A Public Health Hazard
“This is one of my most favorite posts ever. Great work!” — C.
The Pitch
“I… loved.. every…. word of this post.” — Jimmy C.
The Conservative and Catholic Voice in Frank Capra’s Films
“Another superb post, Brian.” — Gary M.
David Lean’s Vast Landscapes and Critical Details
“Great post, Brian! As with the other commenters, Zhivago, Lawrence, and the River Kwai are several of my favorite movies.” — John P.
“Great post (15th time, I know). Thanks. Thank you, Brian — you are a Ricochet treasure.” — Larry K.
The Boy Who Lived, Part One – Escaping
“A beautiful story, beautifully told. When my kids were in elementary school, there were some children the teachers called “wanderers.” They were a challenge. Freedom! You are a gifted writer. I’m sure this will be a well-read book, one that will give courage to other parents dealing with this challenge.” — Marci N.
Life Lessons Under The Golden Arches
“Great piece, Brian. I just really enjoyed reading it. I worked in warehouses, not fast food, but the dignity gained from honest work as a youth is as valuable a lesson as anything that school teaches.” — A.A.
“Really enjoyed this post! Thanks for sharing this.” — DBM
“This was a lot of fun to read. Thanks!” — Bob L.
“I’d really like to highlight this entire post! As a part-time salesgirl in my teens, I distinctly remember the time the owner of the company called me into the manager’s office and asked her, ‘We’re paying this young lady an awful lot in commission. How do we clone her?’ Good stuff, Brian.” — ET
These Aren’t The Weddings You’re Looking For
“C.S. Lewis, crossed with a bit of George Orwell and a dash of Andrew Klavan. Nicely done.” — Brian M.
The Chair of Blood
“Brian, your post was the one I needed to read today. Thank you not only for the perspective, but also for your faithfulness and perseverance with your son. I say that as a mom of a 19 year old Aspie.” — Nerina B.
A Screenwriter for All Seasons
“Learned, thoughtful and thought provoking. Thank you.” — CW
“Outstanding post, Brian!” — AC
“Terrific article on one of my favorite films. Thank you, Brian.” — PS
“Thanks for a thought provoking post.” — Richard E.